A/B Testing: Revolutionize Your Optimization Strategy

Explore A/B testing. Learn how to integrate advanced data analysis techniques, uncover insights, and make informed decisions that drive conversions.

November 27, 2020 · 5 min · 860 words ·  ·  Career

ROC Curves 101: How Good is your ML Classifier?

Discover the secrets of ROC curves and learn how to evaluate and optimize binary classification models in machine learning. Gain insights into true positive rates, false positive rates, and the ideal balance for your specific problem, ultimately enhancing your classifier performance.

November 26, 2020 · 3 min · 557 words ·  ·  Career

First Steps in ML for Data Analytics

I wanted to summarize the most important ML concepts to work as a data analyst.Even if you will not be performing Data Science tasks, this knowledge will be of great help when collaborating with them. Understand their language.

November 25, 2020 · 8 min · 1546 words ·  ·  Python ·  Career

101 Concepts for a Data Analytics Journey

The essential concepts of data modeling and key terms in this introductory course for effective data analytics and informed decision-making. Learn how to structure and represent data efficiently to unlock valuable insights and optimize your analytical capabilities.

November 5, 2020 · 36 min · 7457 words ·  ·  Career

Decision Making 101 - a Better Data Analytics Career

Why Decision Making Matters Biases affecting decision-making. I mean, not only the ML Models decision making, but ours. As the number of options increases, we will incur in decision fatige as this is a conginitively demanding. The Go with the flow ones: Sunk cost, endowment effect, status-quo bias, Common Traps Sunk Cost Why to stop now when we have invested so much in this? -> if we were not invested, how much would we invest NOW? The endownment effect We allocate much more value to what we already have (remember about loss aversion), this is applicable for objects, but also processes and activities. Status-Quo Bias The tendency to do something, simply because we have been doing it before. The preference for the current situation....

October 2, 2020 · 2 min · 240 words ·  ·  Career