2024  23

July  3

Creating a CV with Open Source

July 11, 2024 路 6 min 路 1269 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker 路  Outro
Free Tools to Create a Powerful Curriculum

Open Source Tools To Create Presentations

July 2, 2024 路 9 min 路 1710 words 路  路  Dev
Stay Productive with this Free and Open Source Tools to Create PPTs.

Presentations for Developers - SliDev

July 1, 2024 路 8 min 路 1642 words 路  路  Dev 路  Web
Presentations for Developers - How to use SliDev to Create PPTs with Code

June  4

Quick UI’s for AI Projects in Pure Python

June 27, 2024 路 12 min 路 2352 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Dev
Quickly Prototype Gen AI Web Apps in pure Python.

Chat with different models with Streamlit

June 20, 2024 路 6 min 路 1126 words 路  路  Docker 路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Dev 路  Self-Hosting
Building a ChatGPT4 Clone with Streamlit. Use GPT4 and GPT-4o through their APIs and avoid the recurring monthly subscription bill for ChatGPT.

Chat with LLama3 with Streamlit (and Ollama)

June 17, 2024 路 4 min 路 793 words 路  路  Docker 路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Dev 路  Self-Hosting
Communicate with Llama3 with an user friendly UI. SelfHostable Streamlit App to Chat with Ollama

How to create a ChatGPT Clone with Streamlit

June 2, 2024 路 7 min 路 1465 words 路  路  Docker 路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Dev 路  Self-Hosting
Building a ChatGPT4 Clone with Streamlit. Use GPT4 and GPT-4o through their APIs and avoid the recurring monthly subscription bill for ChatGPT.

May  3

Summarize Youtube Videos with Groq and Streamlit

May 27, 2024 路 7 min 路 1379 words 路  路  Docker 路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Dev 路  Self-Hosting
How to avoid falling into click baits with Generative AI. Use Groq and Streamlit to summarize and video and to know if its worth your time

Free Tools For Diagramming

May 15, 2024 路 4 min 路 801 words 路  路  Self-Hosting
Stay Productive with this Free and Open Source Diagramming Tools.

The Power of Next.js to Make a Free Website

May 2, 2024 路 12 min 路 2390 words 路  路  Web 路  Dev
Next.js is not just for server-side rendering. Build a static sites that are fast, secure, and scalable. NextJS is great if you are a developers looking to enhance your web projects.

April  2

SelfHosting Dify AI: No Code AI Apps

April 25, 2024 路 3 min 路 569 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Selfhosting Dify AI with Docker. Vector Database for Gen AI Projects.

Pezzo AI - Free AI Platform

April 10, 2024 路 4 min 路 814 words 路  路  Docker 路  Gen-AI
A guide on how to use Pezzo AI with Docker - The developer first AI Platform.

March  4

MetaGPT: Open Source Multi-Agent Framework

March 23, 2024 路 7 min 路 1463 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Develope your ideas faster with MetaGPT - F/OSS AI Multi Agent Framework.

Fast AI Apps with SQL - MindsDB

March 15, 2024 路 2 min 路 415 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Connect your data to a full ecosystem of state-of-the-art of ML and LLMs with MindsDB

Torrenting with Transmission and VPN (Proton VPN)

March 9, 2024 路 6 min 路 1238 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting 路  P2P
Self-hosting Transmission using Docker (and VPN: Gluetun with Proton VPN). Use P2P responsibely while keeping your privacy.

How to use LangChain to chat with your PDFs

March 7, 2024 路 6 min 路 1117 words 路  路  Docker 路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Dev 路  Self-Hosting
How to create a Streamlit App to chat with your docs by using OpenAI API + FAISS Vector Store.

February  4

SelfHosting ChatWoot - Customer Engagement Platform

February 23, 2024 路 6 min 路 1175 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
SelHosting ChatWoot - Open-source live-chat, email support, omni-channel desk. An alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud.

FlowiseAI: AI Apps with Low Code UI

February 20, 2024 路 3 min 路 478 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Developing LLMs APPs faster with UI together with Flowise AI. Start your Low Code AI journey.

Embedchain: Open Source RAG Framework

February 10, 2024 路 4 min 路 735 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Guide to SelfHost your LLMs powered by EmbedChain RAG Framework.

How to Manage Python Dependencies (for AI and not Only)

February 3, 2024 路 3 min 路 627 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker 路  Python 路  Dev
The fastest way to start trying Generative AI Python Projects that have been open sourced. Get the dependencies right and run simply run them.

January  3

ASTRO - SSG: Components & How to use Them

January 27, 2024 路 2 min 路 253 words 路  路  Web 路  Dev
How to get better with ASTRO as SSG.

Making Ollama Better - OLLama Web UI

January 15, 2024 路 2 min 路 379 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
OLLama is an amazing project. And Ollama Web UI makes it even better. Control your local LLMs with this F/OSS UI built on top of Ollama.

Vector DBs? Local LLMs? SelfHost Vector Admin!

January 3, 2024 路 6 min 路 1174 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Managing VectorDBs with UI with to VectorAdmin. SelfHost VectorAdmin with Docker and use it with Local VectorDBs.

2023  39

December  2

Local AI Agents with CrewAI (and Ollama)

December 29, 2023 路 3 min 路 605 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Using Local LLMs with Ollam and making them Interact thanks to CrewAI. Guide to SelfHost Conversational AI.

LogSeq: AI Powered Notes (with Ollama)

December 15, 2023 路 4 min 路 642 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker 路  Gen-AI
SelfHosting LogSeq - Build a private knowledge base that can be used together with Ollama. A Free Obsidian alternative

November  5

Deploy local LLMs like containers - OLLama Docker

November 28, 2023 路 4 min 路 780 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
OLLama is a great FOSS project that allow us to deploy LLMs locally and manage them in a way familiar for Docker users.

PrivateGPT: Local LLMs to Chat with your Docs

November 25, 2023 路 9 min 路 1760 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Lets use LLMs Locally with PrivateGPT and Docker. Chat with your Documents while Keeping Data Safe and Private.

SelfHosting ChromaDB - Free Vector DB for AI Projects

November 17, 2023 路 6 min 路 1133 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Selfhosting ChromaDB with Docker. Vector Database for Gen AI Projects.

Local Audio Transcription with Whishper

November 15, 2023 路 4 min 路 742 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Installing Whishper with Docker, the Free, Local and Open-Source Audio Transcription.

Tabby ML: Free Github Copilot Alternative

November 3, 2023 路 2 min 路 363 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Lets SelfHost Tabby, a Free and Local Coding Assistant. Use Open Source LLMs, and interact with them locally, using regular CPUs to help you Code for Free. Say Goodbye to Copilot and the Cloud.

October  3

Trip Planner with Weather: a F/OSS App for Bikepacking

October 27, 2023 路 6 min 路 1157 words 路  路  Python 路  Dashboards 路  Trip-Planner
Unpredictable weather led to the creation of the Python Trip Planner app. This open source tool forecasts weather, ensuring a smoother trip planning. Discover the features, how to use it for Free.

Miro Alternative: Selfhosting ExcaliDraw with Docker

October 11, 2023 路 3 min 路 479 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Stay Productive with this F/OSS Miro Alternative. ExcaliDraw with Docker.

Generative AI with Python: GPT4ALL and Local LLMs

October 9, 2023 路 2 min 路 382 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Python 路  Docker
Lets learn how to use Open source LLMs together with Python with GPT4All.

September  4

Stable Difussion WebUI - Locally with Automatic111

September 15, 2023 路 5 min 路 939 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Running Stable Difussion Locally with Automatic111 and Docker

Local LLMs with koboldcpp

September 10, 2023 路 2 min 路 394 words 路  路  Gen-AI
Using Local LLMs with koboldcpp . Guide to SelfHost LLMs (Run any GGML and GGUF models locally).

Cloudflare Pages: FREE Hosting for Any Static Site

September 3, 2023 路 7 min 路 1413 words 路  路  Web 路  Dev
Whether you are using HUGO, Jekyll, or plain HTML, Cloudflare Pages provides a robust, scalable, and free hosting solution. Learn how its seamless integration and powerful features can benefit your web projects.

GitHub Pages as FREE Web Hosting

September 1, 2023 路 5 min 路 1051 words 路  路  Web 路  Dev
Sharing your great ideas with the world is possible by using GitHub Pages for FREE. It provides a straightforward platform with a free domain, and you can also link your custom domain.

August  3

Firebase as FREE Web Hosting - 101 Guide

August 30, 2023 路 5 min 路 1065 words 路  路  Web 路  Dev
Benefit of free hosting with Google Firebase. Firebase has a free tier and you also get a free domain to start with. You can also link your custom domain.

Dockge - Managing Containers with UI

August 15, 2023 路 2 min 路 295 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
SelfHosting with Dockge and Docker. A Portainer Alternative

SelfHosting TextGenWebUI - LLMs Locally

August 15, 2023 路 6 min 路 1213 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Explore the capabilities of Generative text AI models. Dive into Open Source LLMs, and learn how to interact with them locally and for FREE. Text Generation Web UI with CPU.

July  2

GenAI and Prompts: The Learning Revolution (Updated Dec23)

July 9, 2023 路 7 min 路 1441 words 路  路  Outro 路  Gen-AI
Learning how to learn. How to get the most of LLMs to accelerate your learning.

Self-Hosting Jenkins: Your own CI/CD tool

July 5, 2023 路 2 min 路 344 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
Lets configure Jenkins - An open source CI/CD Tool.

June  4

Improving Python Trip Planner with Weather Forecasts: Open Meteo API

June 30, 2023 路 3 min 路 526 words 路  路  Python 路  Trip-Planner
Discovering the Open-Meteo Python API to have weather forecasts data insights. Installing the library and preparing plots to include them in the Python Trip Planner Dash App.

Improving Python DASH UI’s: Python Trip Planner with Weather

June 24, 2023 路 4 min 路 829 words 路  路  Python 路  Dashboards 路  DASH 路  Trip-Planner
Improving the UI of The Python Trip Planner Dash App. The layouts importance and how to tweak colors of our charts.

Torrenting in Docker: qBittorrent and VPN (Mullvad)

June 18, 2023 路 6 min 路 1099 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Self-hosting qBittorrent using Docker (and VPN: Gluetun with Mullvad). Learn how to maintain control, enhance privacy, and boost security in your torrenting activities.

Productivity Anywhere with Webtops (and Docker)

June 16, 2023 路 4 min 路 814 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Elevate Your Productivity: Use Webtops with this simple Docker Installation, enabling device flexibility for enhanced productivity across diverse platforms and locations.

May  1

Gluetun - Your VPN Client for Docker Containers

May 3, 2023 路 3 min 路 556 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Routing Docker Containers Traffic Through VPNs: Gluetun client with Docker.

April  2

Self-hosting Python DASH Apps: with Docker (and Cloudflare Tunnels)

April 15, 2023 路 4 min 路 785 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting 路  Python 路  DASH 路  Trip-Planner
Discovering the differences in the deployment process of a Python DASH App (Trip Planner with Weather): Google Cloud Run vs. using the Docker DASH image of the App together with Cloudflare to deploy it securely from home.

Trip Planner - Discovering Weather Data Patterns with Python

April 1, 2023 路 4 min 路 768 words 路  路  Python 路  Dashboards 路  Dashboards 路  Trip-Planner
Are you planning your next adventure but not sure if the weather will be fine? This Python Dash App based on Meteostat API data allows you to explore historical weather data for any location you are planning to visit.

March  5

Discovering Meteostat: Historical Weather API in Python

March 19, 2023 路 4 min 路 670 words 路  路  Python 路  Trip-Planner
Using Meteostat Python API to access and display historical weather data in our Apps. Building a Trip Planner App based on historical weather patterns of interesting locations.

DASH Apps with Docker and Google Cloud Run

March 12, 2023 路 3 min 路 494 words 路  路  Python 路  Docker 路  DASH
Guide - How to use Google Cloud Run free tier to deploy your Python DASH apps.

Building Docker Images: Github Actions vs Local Builds

March 6, 2023 路 6 min 路 1212 words 路  路  Docker 路  Python 路  DASH 路  Trip-Planner
Discovering the differences between building Docker images using the Cloud and Local Builds. Comparing the advantages and limitations, such as automation, resource usage, and build times. Example: Python DASH

Github Actions - Building and Pushing Containers with CI/CD

March 5, 2023 路 4 min 路 793 words 路  路  Docker 路  Dev
Guide - How to use Github Actions as your CI/CD tool to build and push Docker containers automatically.

A DBLess Cloud - Syncthing and FileBrowser

March 2, 2023 路 8 min 路 1625 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker
A Free alternative to one drive/google drive / apple cloud - Your Cloud with Syncthing and Filebrowser.

February  2

Analyzing your Sport Performance with Python and Polar data

February 26, 2023 路 1 min 路 91 words 路  路  Python 路  Trip-Planner
As I plan to make a complete route by bike from Tallin to Athens, I need to see how my fitness level improves over the months, to be ready for the next challenge. Polar and Python are helping me with it.

Home Internet Monitoring: SpeedTrackers with Docker

February 18, 2023 路 5 min 路 996 words 路  路  Dashboards 路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Rootcausing slow home internet speeds with Docker and couple of free open souce solutions: OpenSpeedTest and SpeedTest-Tracker. Learn how to pinpoint the root cause of connectivity issues, optimize your network, and ensure a faster online experience.

January  6

Monitoring AI Servers: Netdata

January 22, 2023 路 4 min 路 678 words 路  路  Gen-AI 路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Installing Netdata with Docker, the free open-source monitoring tool to check how your AI server is doing with a realtime Dashboard.

Installing Grav CMS: A Powerful Flat File CMS

January 15, 2023 路 7 min 路 1329 words 路  路  Web 路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Installing Grav CMS with Docker. A user-friendly CMS that offers speed, flexibility, and security advantages. Discover how to build websites that are easy to maintain.

Installing Matrix Server - Synapse with Docker (and Cloudflare).

January 15, 2023 路 8 min 路 1652 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Installing Matrix Server with Docker (and Cloudflare) - A decentralized messaging platform that provides a secure and privacy-focused alternative to centralized messaging services like Facebook/Whatsapp/Telegram.

Timelite: Free Tracking Time Tool

January 7, 2023 路 4 min 路 778 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Installing Timelite with Docker - Boost your productivity with this time tracking open source tool. Learn how tracking your tasks can improve your focus, planning, and provide actionable insights.

Your Alternative to Wordpress: Ghost CMS

January 6, 2023 路 7 min 路 1323 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting 路  Web
Building a FREE website with Ghost CMS - How to Install Ghost and Expose Safely to the Internet with Cloudflare Tunnel.

Exposing Services Safely: Cloudflare Zero-Trust Tunnel with Docker

January 6, 2023 路 6 min 路 1076 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting 路  Trip-Planner
Accessing Your Self Hosted Services WITHOUT Port Forwarding with Cloudflare. Discover the benefits of Cloudflare Zero Tunnel deployed with Docker for securing connections and expose services securely on a global scale.

2022  21

December  1

Self-Hosting your Github Alternative - Gogs

December 2, 2022 路 3 min 路 590 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker 路  Dev
An alternative to Github or Bitbucket to track your projects code history. I will show you how to selfhost Gogs with Docker.

November  4

R Stocks: Interactive Stock Analysis with R Shiny

November 27, 2022 路 4 min 路 820 words 路  路  R 路  Dashboards 路  R-Stocks
An interactive R Shiny App that revolutionizes the way public financial information is displayed. Built on top of well-known R packages for financial analysis: yfR, QuantMod, PriceR and Quandl.

R Shiny Apps in a Docker Container

November 27, 2022 路 5 min 路 904 words 路  路  R 路  Dashboards 路  Docker 路  R-Stocks
Exploring the integration of Docker and R Shiny, focusing on reproducibility in software development. Creating a Shiny Docker image for the R Stocks project to simplify deployment and sharing of our interactive data applications.

Airflow: The Hero of Data Workflows with Docker

November 21, 2022 路 9 min 路 1835 words 路  路  Docker 路  Python 路  Dev
SelfHosting Airflow with Docker

Stirling-PDF: Free & Open Source PDF Editor

November 15, 2022 路 2 min 路 232 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
SelfHosting a Free and Open PDF editor - StirlingPDF with Docker

October  1

Getting started with PySpark

October 17, 2022 路 10 min 路 2005 words 路  路  Dev 路  Python
If you have been using SQL and Pandas with Python for a while, you might want to leverage that knowledge by learning PySpark - Using Python for Big Data Analytics with distributed computing.

September  2

Financial data in R - Fundamentals - QuanDL

September 18, 2022 路 2 min 路 215 words 路  路  R-Stocks 路  R
You might be curious about getting historical fundamental data on companies, for some project that you want to accomplish - QuanDL is an open source library that helps us with this task (provided the API).

Financial data in R - Dividend and Splits - QuantMod

September 14, 2022 路 2 min 路 219 words 路  路  R-Stocks 路  R
You might be curious about getting historical dividends and stock splits for some project that you want to accomplish - QuantMod is an open source library that helps us with this task.

August  2

Financial data in R - FOREX and Inflation - PriceR

August 14, 2022 路 2 min 路 336 words 路  路  R-Stocks 路  R
You might be curious about getting historical exchange rates between currencies or check historical inflation data for some project that you want to accomplish - PriceR is an open source library that helps us with this task.

Financial data in R - Stocks Price - yfR

August 7, 2022 路 1 min 路 212 words 路  路  R-Stocks 路  R
You might be curious about getting historical stock price on companies, for some project that you want to accomplish - yfR is an open source library that helps us with this task.

June  3

Alternative to Google Analytics - Umami

June 18, 2022 路 2 min 路 327 words 路  路  Web 路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
SelfHosting Umami with Docker. Forget about cookies pop-up, be GDPR compliant out of the box and learn how to use Umami together with HUGO SSG.

Monitor Websites Status - Uptime Kuma

June 12, 2022 路 5 min 路 898 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker 路  Web
Installin Uptime Kuma - the free and open-source monitoring tool that allows you to monitor the health and performance of your web applications and infrastructure.

Deploying a Hugo Website with GH Actions

June 5, 2022 路 3 min 路 467 words 路  路  Web
Another option to make your HUGO site available to the internet, is to use Github and Github Actions as CI/CD tool that will look for changes in our repository and build and deploy the changes to a free domain.

May  2

Free Hosting for your Web - Hugo with Google Firebase

May 30, 2022 路 5 min 路 877 words 路  路  Web
You got a HUGO website ready locally. Now you want to Host it. Sharing your great static site with the world is possible by using Google Firebase for FREE. It has a free tier and you also get a free domain to start with. You can also link your custom domain.

Embracing Product Vision: Delivering Data Products

May 7, 2022 路 4 min 路 833 words 路  路  Outro
How you can shape data products and address requirements. The essential questions to collaborate with the product team for successful data-driven projects and maximizing impact.

April  2

ASTRO - SSG: Awsome Websites for FREE

April 17, 2022 路 21 min 路 4278 words 路  路  Web
Getting familiar with Astro SSG and its themes. Showing you how to Find Themes for Astro and doing further customization to make your Websites look even better.

How to IMPROVE a HUGO Website - Hugo Tips

April 17, 2022 路 11 min 路 2287 words 路  路  Web
How to make a HUGO Theme look even better. Tips to enhance your HUGO site and the F/OSS tools that you can use.

March  1

Creating a Website with Wordpress

March 5, 2022 路 4 min 路 666 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting 路  Web
Deploying WordPress with Docker.A simple way to get your website up and running. Easily install and manage WordPress - An user-friendly platform for creating your website.

February  2

How to check devices connected at Home Internet - WatchYourLAN

February 25, 2022 路 3 min 路 606 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
You might be looking for some open source monitoring tool for your LAN. In this post I will cover how to install WatchYourLAN in Docker for that purpose.

Chevereto: The Image Hosting Platform You Need to Know About

February 20, 2022 路 3 min 路 602 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
What Chevereto is, how it works, and why you might want to consider using it for your own image hosting needs.

January  1

Self-Awareness 101 or How to avoid fallacies

January 8, 2022 路 5 min 路 888 words 路  路  Outro
Gain self-awareness and learn about decision making process, habits building and biases.

2021  17

December  2

Web3 Simplified - Why and How to Get your Web3

December 19, 2021 路 5 min 路 853 words 路  路  Web
Everyone talks about Web3. I was wondering if I could use some knowledge that I got while creating static sites with HUGO and its actually pretty simple. Follow this post and you will get your Web3 ready.

Self-Hosting your Diagram Tools - Drawio

December 2, 2021 路 3 min 路 562 words 路  路  Self-Hosting 路  Docker 路  Dev
Drawio - A FOSS Flowchart Maker (or network diagram software, to create UML online, as an ER diagram tool, to design database schema…) that I will show you how to selfhost with Docker.

November  2

Create a FREE Blog - Websites with HUGO

November 17, 2021 路 10 min 路 2087 words 路  路  Web 路  Dev
You might have heard about Wordpress. Today, you will learn how to create your website with another Free Open Source alternative, HUGO. Which offer a much faster response.

How to deploy your Shiny app publically to ShinyApps

November 3, 2021 路 2 min 路 276 words 路  路  R 路  Dashboards
Providing that we have a working Shiny Dashboard, we can be interested to expose it to a wider audience instead of just locally. One simple option is to use ShinyApps.io as I cover in this post.

September  2

Google Photos FREE Alternative - Photoview

September 17, 2021 路 4 min 路 660 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Google Photos is no longer free. Fortunately there are some open alternatives to have a self-hosted and local Google Photos. Lets deploy with Docker Photoview.

Your Static Web Sites with Jekyll

September 5, 2021 路 6 min 路 1190 words 路  路  Web
Create a Website to Improve your online Presence. Make your Github Projects visible and better documented by using Jekyll SSG together with Github Pages.

August  3

Docker Alternatives: Hello Podman

August 22, 2021 路 6 min 路 1096 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Docker is not the only one. How to use Podman to Streamline your workflows, improve security, and enable better resource management in your data-driven applications.

The Container Registry Landscape

August 21, 2021 路 4 min 路 786 words 路  路  Docker 路  Dev
A Comprehensive Guide for Discovering the world of container registries - one pilar to optimize our development workflow. Comparing popular options like Docker Hub, Quay, GitLab, GitHub, and Google Cloud. Learn their unique features, strengths, and weaknesses.

Docker: A Guide to Mastering Containerization

August 20, 2021 路 6 min 路 1182 words 路  路  Docker 路  Dev
Enhancing portability across various environments with Docker. Deploy applications efficiently: Learn to create Dockerfiles, build images, run containers, and push images to registries.

June  2

Self-Hosting your GIT - Gitea

June 12, 2021 路 3 min 路 534 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting 路  Dev
You might be looking for some alternative to Github or Bitbucket to track your code changes on some project. In this post we will selfhost Gitea with docker for that purpose.

How to setup your MS Project Alternative - Leantime

June 5, 2021 路 2 min 路 334 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Whether you are creating the roadmap for some personal project or checking critical path for a team task, you will be in need of a Project Management tool. Leantime is a free open source tool for that purpose.

May  1

Reasons to have your own notes app - Trilium

May 9, 2021 路 3 min 路 438 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
You might be looking for some alternative to OneNotes. Lets SelfHost Trilium with dockerto have our local and private knowledge base.

April  1

How to Setup your Kanban Board - FocalBoard

April 15, 2021 路 5 min 路 930 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
In search to improve the efficiency of your team and your projects, you will might need to have a kanbar board to optimize the workflow. Focalboard is an Open Source tool that we can self-host with Docker for this task.

March  1

How to Setup your Local SMB Server - Samba

March 15, 2021 路 2 min 路 234 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
You might be looking for an open source tool that enables Linux/ machines to communicate with Windows machines in a Network. This guide will help you by installing Samba with Docker.

February  2

SelfHosting Whoogle: how to use Google without Trackers

February 17, 2021 路 4 min 路 815 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Lets Selfhost Whoogle with Docker step by step. An alternative to Google Search that respects privacy, but at the same time provides with relevant search results.

Exposing multiple Docker Services with NGINX

February 2, 2021 路 5 min 路 875 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
Setting up and configuring Nginx for use in your own projects. Exposing services easily and securely with NGINX and get automatic https certificates with letsencrypt.

January  1

Deploying Containers without the Terminal - Portainer

January 15, 2021 路 2 min 路 240 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
When starting your self-hosting journey you might be not 100% confident with the terminal. By installing Portainer - you will have a tool to manage containers with a graphical interface.

2020  7

November  3

A/B Testing: Revolutionize Your Optimization Strategy

November 27, 2020 路 5 min 路 860 words 路  路  Outro
Explore A/B testing. Learn how to integrate advanced data analysis techniques, uncover insights, and make informed decisions that drive conversions.

ROC Curves 101: How Good is your ML Classifier?

November 26, 2020 路 3 min 路 553 words 路  路  Python 路  Dev
Discover the secrets of ROC curves and learn how to evaluate and optimize binary classification models in machine learning. Gain insights into true positive rates, false positive rates, and the ideal balance for your specific problem, ultimately enhancing your classifier performance.

First Steps in ML for Data Analytics

November 25, 2020 路 8 min 路 1549 words 路  路  Python 路  Dev
I wanted to summarize the most important ML concepts to work as a data analyst.Even if you will not be performing Data Science tasks, this knowledge will be of great help when collaborating with them. Understand their language.

October  1

How to Block adds in all home devices - PiHole

October 25, 2020 路 3 min 路 621 words 路  路  Docker 路  Self-Hosting
PiHole is a free open source tool that we can selfhost with docker to block ad domains, so that they wont appear in any device connected to our router. Here is the guide.

September  1

Generating Webs with R - Knit Package

September 25, 2020 路 1 min 路 108 words 路  路  R 路  Web 路  Dev
In this post I show you how to use the Knit package in R to build a simple website.

August  1

Getting Started with Python

August 30, 2020 路 9 min 路 1708 words 路  路  Dev 路  Python
As part of your Data Analytics journey, you will have to build knowledge of Python. In this post I am collecting some of the must know tricks to start your projects.

July  1

How to get Started with SQL

July 17, 2020 路 18 min 路 3757 words 路  路  Dev
I have been compiling the most recurrent SQL queries that you will require in your first job as a data analyst. Master these and you will make a great progress with your analytical skills.