AI Apps. Understanding RAGs and VectorDB

What are RAGs and Vector DataBases and how they can help make awsome AI apps.

LibreChat Compared to other F/OSS LLMs Tools

A recap on F/OSS LLMs Tools and how to use them

Setup LibreChat with docker. Compared with different ways to setup LLMs locally - From Ollama to PrivateGPT

Using LangFlow to create ChatBots

Creating Invoices with F/OSS - Serverless Invoices and More

How to use open source projects (serverless invoices and react invoices) for your business

Using LangFlow to create ChatBots

ChatBots with AI: Langflow and other OS Tools

How to use open source ChatBots Tools: LangFlow, BotPress, TypeBot, FlowiseAI and ChatWoot

Creating a CV with Open Source.

Creating a CV with Open Source

Free Tools to Create a Powerful Curriculum. Comparing Open Resume and reactive resume