Why a VPN?

  • Online Privacy and Security
    • A VPN keeps your online activities private and secure by encrypting your internet connection, protecting you from hackers and intrusive surveillance.
  • Access to Restricted Content:
    • With a VPN, you can access websites and services that may be blocked in your location, making it easier to explore educational resources and enjoy online content.
  • Protection on Public Wi-Fi:
    • When using public Wi-Fi, a VPN safeguards your data from potential threats, making it safer to browse the internet on shared networks.

SelfHosting VPNs - Gluetun Docker

The Gluetun Project

SelfHosting Gluetun Container

Get ready to route Traffic Through VPN thanks to Gluetun.

Get Ready to use Docker! 馃悑馃殌

Trust me, Docker will make your life easier to try and SelfHost new services like this one.

Gluetun Docker Stack

You just need to use the following Docker-Compose to run Gluetun with Docker:

version: "3"
    image: qmcgaw/gluetun
      - NET_ADMIN
    # ports:
    #   - 3000:3000/tcp #containers port
      - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=mullvad #protonvpn
      - VPN_TYPE=wireguard
      - WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY=you_will_need_this_input
      - WIREGUARD_ADDRESSES=and_also_the_ipv4_version
      - SERVER_CITIES=New York NY #choose any available city
      - /Home/Docker/Gluetun:/gluetun
    restart: unless-stopped  


Other F/OSS VPN’s

  • Wireguard
  • Headscale + Tailscale