Creating a CV with Open Source

Free Tools to Create a Powerful Curriculum

ChatGPT Clone

Chat with different models with Streamlit

Building a ChatGPT4 Clone with Streamlit. Use GPT4 and GPT-4o through their APIs and avoid the recurring monthly subscription bill for ChatGPT.

Streamlit Chat Ollama

Chat with LLama3 with Streamlit (and Ollama)

Communicate with Llama3 with an user friendly UI. SelfHostable Streamlit App to Chat with Ollama

ChatGPT Clone

How to create a ChatGPT Clone with Streamlit

Building a ChatGPT4 Clone with Streamlit. Use GPT4 and GPT-4o through their APIs and avoid the recurring monthly subscription bill for ChatGPT.

Summarize Youtube Videos with AI

Summarize Youtube Videos with Groq and Streamlit

How to avoid falling into click baits with Generative AI. Use Groq and Streamlit to summarize and video and to know if its worth your time