This post might be a more technical than others.

But, you can follow it and get an alternative photo gallery to instagram, pinterests and so on.

React Lightbox

I heard recently about React Lightbox.

React Image Lightbox Gallery (no libraries)

Other Photo Galleries

A fully featured React components library

  1. Simple Photo Gallery

Starter site for creating a responsive image gallery using the Eleventy static site generator

  1. - MIT

A visual portfolio generator with web hosting for your mockups and photo albums. Requires no 3rd party libraries or installations. A 🤑free🤑 Squarespace alternative for your photos. Live demo at

Visual Portfolio Generator with no extra installation

  1. SSGs Photo Galleries - With Hugo, Astro…

A very simple and opinionated photo gallery theme for Hugo

  1. Other

Beautiful and simple photo galleries that help you tell your story. Free and open-source.

You can publish it as static site -

SSG Photo Galleries

I will bore you with HUGO and Astro in a moment, but…

There are 2 interesting options I saw recently.

Today i’d like to start with a new very cool Eleventy (yes, another SSG) Photo Gallery Theme -

Built with JavaScript and runs on Node.js. It has a growing ecosystem of plugins and integrations.

And among new things, there is also a way to make static sites with Python (using Photoswipe JS under the hood).

This is exactly what does….

…and also reproduces video!


I commented recently how I am still amazed with HUGO

And there are few F/OSS HUGO Themes to create quick photo galleries.

hugo version

hugo new site blowfish --format=yaml
cd blowfish

git init
git submodule add themes/blowfish

#nano hugo.yaml
#theme: blowfish

cd ./themes/blowfish/exampleSite
hugo server --bind= --baseURL= --port=1313


If like me, you think there are a lot of cool Astro Themes around there

You will not be surprised to see that some of those Astro Themes are great Photo Galleries:


Now is not just instagram, pinterest or Flikr.

You can have your own site to share your awsome shots with the world.

Remember that you will just need a domain for people to find you!

More F/OSS Photo Galleries

Galleries for Devs

A library for rapid UI development with style props, color modes, themes and variants + starter kits, themes and blocks to help you build Gatsby and Next.js sites faster.


Open Source Tools to check Websites

To evaluate the Themes, keep these Tools Handy:

Tool Description License
UptimeKuma A self-hosted monitoring tool like “Uptime Robot” MIT ❤️
Upptime Open-source uptime monitor and status page, powered entirely by GitHub MIT ❤️
PageSpeed Insights Free online tool by Google to analyze and optimize web page performance Google
LinkChecker Project. look if all referenced links are working GPL v2
Web-Check-Free OSINT tool for analysing any website. Self-Hosted Edition! MIT ❤️