Creating a CV with Open Source.

Creating a CV with Open Source

Free Tools to Create a Powerful Curriculum. Selfhosting Open Resume and reactive resume

How to use Open Source Presentation Tools.

Open Source Tools To Create Presentations: MARP and more

Stay Productive with this Free and Open Source Tools to Create PPTs: Marp, SliDev and Remark

July 2, 2024 · 9 min · 1723 words ·  ·  Dev
SelfHosting a TOR Node with Docker.

Running a Tor Node: Bridges and Middle Relays with Docker

Exploring the TOR network: Setting up Tor Bridges and Middle Relays with Docker.

July 1, 2024 · 7 min · 1297 words ·  ·  Security
Frameworks to create quick UI with Python

Quick UI's for AI Projects in Pure Python

Quickly Prototype Gen AI Web Apps in pure Python.

SliDevJS - Presentations with Code

Presentations for Developers - SliDev

Presentations for Developers - How to use SliDev to Create PPTs with Code

June 1, 2024 · 8 min · 1667 words ·  ·  Dev ·  Web