Trip Planner with Weather - Improving the Default Python DASH UI.

Improving Python DASH UI's: Python Trip Planner with Weather

Improving the UI of The Python Trip Planner Dash App. The layouts importance and how to tweak colors of our charts.

Self-hosting Python DASH Apps: with Docker (and Cloudflare Tunnels)

Discovering the differences in the deployment process of a Python DASH App (Trip Planner with Weather): Google Cloud Run vs. using the Docker DASH image of the App together with Cloudflare to deploy it securely from home.

DASH Apps with Docker and Google Cloud Run

Guide - How to use Google Cloud Run free tier to deploy your Python DASH apps.

Docker images with GH Actions and local builds compared.

Building Docker Images: Github Actions vs Local Builds

Discovering the differences between building Docker images using the Cloud and Local Builds. Comparing the advantages and limitations, such as automation, resource usage, and build times. Example: Python DASH