SelfHosting Dify AI with Docker.

SelfHosting Dify AI: No Code AI Apps

Selfhosting Dify AI with Docker. Vector Database for Gen AI Projects.

Pezzo AI with Docker

Pezzo AI - Free AI Platform

A guide on how to use Pezzo AI with Docker - The developer first AI Platform.

April 10, 2024 · 4 min · 814 words ·  ·  Docker ·  Gen-AI
SelfHosting MetaGPT.

MetaGPT: Open Source Multi-Agent Framework

Develope your ideas faster with MetaGPT - F/OSS AI Multi Agent Framework.


How to use LangChain to chat with your PDFs

How to create a Streamlit App to chat with your docs by using OpenAI API + FAISS Vector Store.

Chatwoot with Docker

SelfHosting ChatWoot - Customer Engagement Platform

SelHosting ChatWoot - Open-source live-chat, email support, omni-channel desk. An alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud.