I was very tired of having to do proper formatting in Word and similar text editors.

But then I discovered markdown.

It is portable and it works everywhere.

Markdown Note Taking Tools

Markdown has become my go-to for note-taking.

There are tons of great editors out there, from simple text editors with Markdown preview to full-featured note-taking apps.

I love the flexibility that comes with markdown.

And the tools that are being built around it:

  1. https://github.com/vorniches/tapnote?ref=fossengineer.com

MIT Licensed: Minimalist, self-hosted publishing platform.



  1. https://github.com/jon6fingrs/ghostboard?ref=fossengineer.com

MIT Licensed: a dead simple way to share text between computers via web or cli

  1. https://github.com/brufdev/many-notes?ref=fossengineer.com

MIT Licensed: Markdown note-taking app

Screenshot Screenshot

  1. https://github.com/BaldissaraMatheus/Tasks.md?ref=fossengineer.com

Open Source AI Note Taking

The combination of Markdown and AI is particularly exciting.

Imagine taking notes in Markdown and then using AI to summarize them, generate ideas, or even translate them!

There are some really promising open-source projects exploring this space:

  1. LogSeq

Markdown Powered Websites

Having interesting notes?

Why not sharing them to help others?

That’s how fossengineer.com journey begun.

And hopefully motivates some of you to do the same.

Static Sites Generators

It’s no secret that this site its being done with a SSG, HUGO.

And thanks to HUGO I discovered all the SSG ecosystem, where (surprise, surprise), you can write in just markdown.

This makes the backup of websites very simple (just plain text) and dont tie you to a specific SSG/Theme.

Just write your thing in markdown, port to any other SSG/Theme later on!

Free Hosting for SSG Websites
