Python Polar Analysis

Analyzing your Sport Performance with Python and Polar data

As I plan to make a complete route by bike from Tallin to Athens, I need to see how my fitness level improves over the months, to be ready for the next challenge. Polar and Python are helping me with it.

Airflow: The Hero of Data Workflows with Docker

SelfHosting Airflow with Docker

November 21, 2022 · 9 min · 1834 words ·  ·  Docker ·  Python

Getting started with PySpark

If you have been using SQL and Pandas with Python for a while, you might want to leverage that knowledge by learning PySpark - You will enter to the Big Data domain after you read this post.

October 17, 2022 · 5 min · 958 words ·  ·  Career ·  Python

First Steps in ML for Data Analytics

I wanted to summarize the most important ML concepts to work as a data analyst.Even if you will not be performing Data Science tasks, this knowledge will be of great help when collaborating with them. Understand their language.

November 25, 2020 · 8 min · 1546 words ·  ·  Python ·  Career

Getting Started with Python

As part of your Data Analytics journey, you will have to build knowledge of Python. In this post I am collecting some of the must know tricks to start your projects.

August 30, 2020 · 7 min · 1477 words ·  ·  Career ·  Python