Astro SSG 101

GitHub Pages as FREE Web Hosting

Sharing your great ideas with the world is possible by using GitHub Pages for FREE. It provides a straightforward platform with a free domain, and you can also link your custom domain.

September 1, 2023 · 6 min · 1120 words ·  ·  Web ·  Dev

Firebase as FREE Web Hosting - 101 Guide

Benefit of free hosting with Google Firebase. Firebase has a free tier and you also get a free domain to start with. You can also link your custom domain.

August 30, 2023 · 6 min · 1077 words ·  ·  Web ·  Dev
Create a free Website with Grav CMS.

Installing Grav CMS: A Powerful Flat File CMS

Installing Grav CMS with Docker. A user-friendly CMS that offers speed, flexibility, and security advantages. Discover how to build websites that are easy to maintain.

SelfHosting Ghost CMS with Docker.

Ghost CMS with Docker - Your Alternative to Wordpress

Building a FREE website with Ghost CMS - How to Install Ghost and Expose Safely to the Internet with Cloudflare Tunnel.

SelfHosting Umami with Docker.

Alternative to Google Analytics - Umami

SelfHosting Umami with Docker. Forget about cookies pop-up, be GDPR compliant out of the box and learn how to use Umami together with HUGO SSG.