Having a lot of concepts to communicate and not much time to loose on PPT Layout?

If you are familiar with SSG’s and Markdown, you can use SliDev and make PPTs with code like a PRO.

SliDev Live Editor

SliDev includes a live editor to make your PPT on the go, even running custom JS with Monaco!

The SliDev Project

An amazing Free and open source tool to create PPT’s with code:

Generate PPTs with this VueJS Framework!

And it includes MDC support - https://content.nuxt.com/usage/markdown // https://sli.dev/guide/syntax.html#diagrams

Why SliDev?

Not enough? you can also draw as you present - https://sli.dev/guide/drawing#persist-drawings

How to use SliDev

It’s all about this awsome npm Package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@slidev/cli

  1. Get in love with SliDev Presentations (Sample themes) - https://sli.dev/themes/gallery.html

Confused with Python Dependencies

  1. Get nodejs and npm installed (Optionally: yarn)
node --version #example 20.12.2
npm --version #example 10.5.0
  1. Initialize the SliDev Project (this will install the dependencies)
npm init slidev #yarn create slidev
#npm run dev #if you want to restart where you left it

I Chose npm as package manager:

SliDev Setup

At this point you will have the sample PPT ready at: http://localhost:3030

  1. Make changes to your ppt with markdown - The file is slides.md

This video helped me a lot to discover what SliDev is about.

How Export SliDev Slides

Done with the changes?

Its time to export the ppt:

  1. Install the dependencies to create your presentation
npm install -g @slidev/cli #npm install --save-dev @slidev/cli
npm i -D playwright-chromium
The package.json of your SliDev Project will look similar to… 👇
  "name": "slidev",
  "type": "module",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "slidev build",
    "dev": "slidev --open",
    "export": "slidev export"
  "dependencies": {
    "@slidev/cli": "^0.49.13",
    "@slidev/theme-default": "latest",
    "@slidev/theme-seriph": "latest",
    "vue": "^3.4.31"
  "devDependencies": {
    "playwright-chromium": "^1.45.1"
  1. Export SliDev as PPT with:
npm run export #default as pdf!
#npm run export:pdf

slidev export --format png #npx slidev export --format png
slidev export --format pptx #this will properly render mermaid diagrams and code snippts

You can also export SliDEV as HTML

You will have these files generated:

  • slides-export.pdf
  • PNGs at ./slides-export folder
  • slides-export.pptx

When exporting to pdf/pptx/png, we might loose of course some js functionality (Like: Animations/ Code highlight).

But we can export only the slides that we are interested with:

slidev export --range 1,6-8,10
#slidev export --format pptx --range 1-13,22-28,33,37

This will avoid to have to delete the ones with lost functionality

And that output file will have just the ranges you selected.

There is also a docker image to export: https://sli.dev/guide/exporting#exportable-docker-image

Customizing SliDev Presentations

npm install light-icons --save

Import in CSS file

/* import in CSS files [with CSS Loader] */
@import "~light-icons/dist/light-icon.css";

Just use the icon

<i class="light-icon-facebook"></i>

How to Change SliDev Theme

While rendering our first presentation, you might have seen that we are using a SliDev Theme:

SliDev Setup


But that’s not the only one we can use: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=keywords%3Aslidev-theme

As per slidev guidelines - https://sli.dev/themes/use // https://sli.dev/themes/gallery

We can just change the theme’s name in our markdown frontmatter:

theme: seriph

If its not installed yet, when we will initialize SliDev with

npm run dev

It will install it automatically for us:

npm install @slidev/apple-basic #if you want to do it manually - https://www.npmjs.com/package/@slidev/theme-apple-basic

SliDev provides few sample packages (source code ofc) - https://github.com/slidevjs/themes/tree/main/packages - You can see both, apple-basic and theme-seriph in there if you want to have a look how to build your own.

That’s the only place where you would need to know VUE/CSS/JS/TS

Interesting SliDev Themes ⏬

Understanding SliDev Components

SliDev provides out of the box some built in components like:

<Tweet id="1390115482657726468" />

SliDev Live Editor

Basically, You can use Vue Components directly in the slides!

Diagrams with SliDev and MermaidJS

We can have cool Diagrams as a code inserted in our SliDev presentation:

This time, thanks to the Mermaid package:

  Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
  Note over Alice,John: A typical interaction

I really like the flowchart

SliDev Conclusion

Hosting SliDev PPTs

npm run build #will go to /dist - it will be static files, like any other SSG

You might be interested to change base path

You can see if the build looks fine with:

python -m http.server --directory ./dist #as built files are in ./dist
npx vite preview

or with:

npm install -g serve
serve ./dist

Similarly as we do with any SSG, we can host it

Three Ways to Host SliDev for Free 👇

SliDev + Github Pages

To deploy your slides under sub-routes, you will need to pass the –base option as explained in SliDev docs - https://sli.dev/guide/hosting#base-path

The –base path must begin and end with a slash /; for example:

You need to specify the base path:

slidev build --base /Streamlit-MultiChat/

Now, make sure to copy the ./dist folder and place it in the main folder of the repo and with name ./docs

And if you do:

slidev build --download #https://sli.dev/guide/hosting#provide-a-downloadable-pdf

There will be the possibility to download the PDF of the presentation.

SliDev + Github Actions

In addition to the previous, we will use Github Actions CI/CD to build the site for us.

You will need the config workflows and just tweak:

  • The name of your SliDev Project: slidevproyect - This is the name of the folder where the SliDev Project has been created on your Github Project
  • The name of your GH Repository" yourgithubprojectname
Github Actions workflow to Deploy SliDev at Github Pages ⏬
name: Deploy Slidev to GHPages

    branches: ["main"]

  contents: read
  pages: write
  id-token: write

  group: "pages"
  cancel-in-progress: false

    shell: bash

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      NODE_VERSION: 16
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Setup Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          cd ./slidevproyect
          npm install          
      - name: Build Slidev project
        run: |
          cd ./slidevproyect
          npm install -g @slidev/cli #npm install --save-dev @slidev/cli
          npm i -D playwright-chromium
          slidev build --base /yourgithubprojectname/           
      - name: Upload artifact
        uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v2
          path: ./slidevproyect/dist

      name: github-pages
      url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        id: deployment
        uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2


What it is SliDev built upon?

Headless SVG-based drawboard in browser.

Web canvas that support pen pressure

Icons for SliDev PPTs

I was having a look to this theme - https://slidev.icons.lightvue.org/9

…and discovered these icons for PPT’s:

The Emerging UI Component library designed for Vue 3.x & Vue 2.x

npm install light-icons --save

Add this to the CSS file:

@import "~light-icons/dist/light-icon.css";

And just use them anywhere with:

<i class="light-icon-facebook"></i>


Tools that allow you to also create Diagrams as a code

FREE Alternatives to Create PPTs

There are several open-source tools available for creating presentations using Markdown.

These tools offer a variety of features and can help you build presentations quickly and efficiently.

Actually, even with Astro SGG + The proper Template you can create cool Presentations

1. Marp

Marp is a cross-platform Markdown presentation writer, with a focus on simplicity and flexibility.

  • It allows you to write your presentation in Markdown and then convert it into HTML, PDF, and PowerPoint formats.

Marp comes with a CLI tool as well as a desktop app and a VS Code extension.

2. reveal.js

Reveal.js is a framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. It supports Markdown content, which means you can write your slides in Markdown.

Reveal.js presentations work in any modern browser and come with a wide range of themes and plugins.

The HTML Presentation Framework

git clone https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js.git
cd reveal.js && npm install

npm start #localhost:8000
#npm start -- --port=8001

3. Remark

Remark is a simple, in-browser, Markdown-driven slideshow tool.

Slides are written in Markdown and can be viewed in any modern web browser.

Remark is designed for simplicity, making it easy to write and present from a single Markdown file.

4. mdx-deck

  • GitHub: https://github.com/jxnblk/mdx-deck
  • Description: MDX Deck lets you create presentations using MDX (Markdown + JSX), allowing you to write slides in Markdown and use React components within them. This gives you the flexibility of Markdown for content and the power of React for interactive elements.

5. Deckset

  • Website: Not applicable as it’s not open-source but supports Markdown.
  • Note: While Deckset is a popular Markdown-based presentation tool, it’s important to note that it is not open-source and is available only for macOS.

6. Pandoc

  • Website: https://pandoc.org/
  • GitHub: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
  • Description: Though not exclusively a presentation tool, Pandoc is a “Swiss-army knife” for converting files from one markup format to another, including presentation formats like reveal.js.

With Pandoc, you can write your presentation in Markdown and convert it to various presentation formats, offering a lot of flexibility.

SliDev Video Guide

F/OSS Documentation Suites

Joplin - the secure note taking and to-do app with synchronisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.

Docmost is an open-source collaborative wiki and documentation software. It is an open-source alternative to Confluence and Notion.

Other F/OSS for Productivity