
Discovering Meteostat: Historical Weather API in Python

Using Meteostat Python API to access and display historical weather data in our Apps. Building a Trip Planner App based on historical weather patterns of interesting locations.

Docker images with GH Actions and local builds compared.

Building Docker Images: Github Actions vs Local Builds

Discovering the differences between building Docker images using the Cloud and Local Builds. Comparing the advantages and limitations, such as automation, resource usage, and build times. Example: Python DASH

Python Polar Analysis

Analyzing your Sport Performance with Python and Polar data

As I plan to make a complete route by bike from Tallin to Athens, I need to see how my fitness level improves over the months, to be ready for the next challenge. Polar and Python are helping me with it.

Guide - Running Cloudflare Tunnel with Docker

Exposing Services Safely: Cloudflare Zero-Trust Tunnel with Docker

Accessing Your Self Hosted Services WITHOUT Port Forwarding with Cloudflare. Discover the benefits of Cloudflare Zero Tunnel deployed with Docker for securing connections and expose services securely on a global scale.